MA (English)

The programme introduces students to a wide range of emerging areas in the field of literary studies. It inculcates in them a spirit of critical enquiry and develops their analytical and creative faculties. The programme ensures extensive knowledge of different areas of literary studies. The programme ensures that students develop the capacity to be competent teachers of English Language and Literature. It enables students to take the NET examination and also seek employment in a variety of new emerging fields.


The MCA programme aims to provide quality education in computer science and applications. The objective is to equip students with the necessary skills  that  make  them competent to face the challenges and demands of a rapidly expanding IT industry. The curriculum ensures holistic development of the student and moulds them into capable leaders of tomorrow and socially committed citizens, developing their independent thinking and confidence. In the span of six semesters, the students are equipped with programming skills, analytical ability, research skills and strong knowledge in the domain. The students will be able  to:

  • Analyze, design, develop and maintain software applications for different verticals.
  • Utilize the knowledge of computing technology with commitment on social, ethical, and cyber values.
  • Communicate her ideas and solutions effectively and to work in collaborative manner with others in a team.
  • Be acquainted with the contemporary trends in industrial/research settings and thereby innovate novel solutions to existing problems.
  • Make use of modern tools and technologies to provide optimized solutions.
  • Recognize the need for continuing professional development and engage in life-long learning.


The programme is focused on developing a holistic view of education, focusing on the intellectual, emotional, lawful, ethical,  social   and   spiritual   values. It   commits   itself   to building competent managers who will lead with the  heart. It aspires to provide learners with up-to-date knowledge and insights into business and management theories, and its practice in the ever-changing business scenario. It also equips students to use business software, quantitative tools and analytical techniques.

MCom (FA)

The programme has been designed to enhance the accounting and financial management skills necessary to function effectively within private businesses, non profit organisations and public agencies. Specific skill sets in the areas of auditing, accounting, taxation, information systems and financial analysis are taught.


The programme in chemistry gives students specialized knowledge in topics such as Applied theoretical chemistry, Organic chemistry / Structural chemistry. The objective of the programme is to educate them as chemists who are able to work independently. Industry internship exposure enhances the knowledge, practical skill and employment opportunities. The programme helps the students acquire knowledge in the study of physical, chemical, electrochemical magnetic properties and structure elucidation using various techniques and applications of various organic and inorganic materials. It helps students to acquire basic knowledge in the specialized areas of chemistry and trains them in various quantitative and qualitative analyses.

Ph.D (Chemistry)

The programme aims to inculcate in students a scientific temper and train students in the methodology of research, with specific emphasis on data collection and interpretation, designing of experiments, setting up of control experiments and data analysis using appropriate software. The programme will hone in students experimental skills including handling of necessary equipment and enable them to undertake independent research. It will equip the students for journal publication and present experimental findings to a peer group. The entire programme is designed such that students can opt to go into academics, industry or research.


The combination of Psychology, Optional English and Sociology enhances the perception and sensibilities about the world and the people we engage with. The dynamics of relationships, social behaviour and fundamentals of human nature are fore-grounded in the study of these three inter- related subjects. A wide range of professional avenues and academic options are made possible with this combination of subjects.


The combination of Psychology, Economics and Sociology, leads  to a holistic understanding of applied and theoretical social sciences. This interdisciplinary approach is beneficial for those who wish to work in the corporate world and in industries that require knowledge of human behaviour and an understanding of the market.


The combination of Psychology, Optional English and Communicative English leads students to understand the overlap between related disciplines. Communicative skills and studies of various media need an understanding of human nature and the different facets of community behaviour. The study of literature develops critical abilities in students. Students inculcate skills that would be in demand in many professional areas and create a more responsible citizen in the future.


The combination of History, Economics and Sociology will provide a holistic understanding of historical events, economics activities and sociological concepts. It will be useful in the areas of higher learning and research.


The combination of History, Economics, Tourism and Travel Management will provide an insight into historical events/places, an understanding of market activities which equips students to understand the business of Travel and Tourism in the real world.


The combination of History, Optional English and Sociology introduces students to the study of literature and the main currents of socio-economic, political and cultural history. It gives them a good grounding in the humanities.


The combination of History, Tourism and Travel Management, Journalism is a professional programme that aims at producing skilled persons ready for Entrepreneurship and industry. Travel journalism, travel writing, and travel documentary are becoming fields of job opportunities. Thus combining Journalism and Travel and Tourism gives a better edge to both, those who want to venture into Journalism or into Travel and Tourism. History gives a strong foundation for the past and present knowledge of the society, culture and contemporary world.


The combination of Psychology, Journalism and Communicative English delves deep into the social sciences, offering students different perspectives. The study of the human mind; the study of Journalism and its role in society and the creative potential of mass media provide students with opportunities to explore different facets of life and society, while enhancing their creative skills sets.


The combination of Journalism, Economics and Optional English will provide an inter–disciplinary perspective to the students, generating tremendous scope for employability, in the fields of media, business journalism, cultural studies, and research and policy analysis. It will provide meaningful interface between economic decision- making and journalism skills with a keen understanding of current global trends. The programme addresses three salient aspects of social functioning through media studies, social science and humanities. The students receive a broad spectrum view of important social, economic and cultural changes in the contemporary world. Each of these disciplines takes a specialized look at three different dimensions of human living and sustenance in the modern context.


The combination of Economics, Sociology and Public Administration is introduced with an aim to enhance knowledge on the subjects and its relationship with the society. This course enables students to acquire in depth knowledge on public administration of the government, economics trends and social issues. It also empowers them with skills and abilities to be responsible academicians and leaders for social change. It enables students to prepare for competitive exams.


It is a unique programme with 60% practical component, handled by industry experts. It seeks to cultivate a streamlined creative process with training in skills and software needed at industry level, like, Graphic Designing, Photography, Sound Design, Scripting, Cinematography, Film direction, Filmmaking, Advertisement. The programme also has Performing Arts (Theatre and Dance), enabling students to write and stage plays; and choreograph and perform dance. As the general educational component, the course has Psychology, which allows students vertical mobility to higher studies in Psychology.


The programme CBZ (Chemistry, Botany and Zoology) will make the students proficient in the various aspects of life forms (plants and animals) and environmental studies and evolution. It will also enable the students to formulate testable hypotheses, gather and analyse data as a part of their minor project work. Students will be able to demonstrate critical and analytical thinking, experiential learning and communicative skills. Entrepreneurial skills are incorporated into their learning process. Team work and individual efforts are encouraged among students that make them competent for the work place.


This combination of Sciences is important because it is the study of Basic Sciences. Pure sciences are a stepping-stone on which technology and applied sciences develop. They are a major thrust for research because of which technology will improve. The study of Mathematical concepts enhances the study of any science and leads to the sharpening of analytical reasoning. The study of Chemistry will emphasize basic organic concepts on classification, nomenclature and reaction mechanisms. The study of Physics includes knowledge of physical phenomenon and the laws governing them.


This programme has a unique positioning because it deals with basic sciences, physical phenomenon, mathematical concepts and at the same time provides an entry into the tech savvy world of Electronics. The syllabus focuses on competencies required by the industry to ensure employability. Students can also become entrepreneurs in this field and become designers in Printed Circuit Boards and Electronics projects.


The study of Physics is enhanced with the study of Mathematics. Through problem solving, principles underlying physical phenomenon in everyday life may be understood. The programme aims at honing analytical and logical reasoning skills and at the same time deals with the rigor of Mathematics. With the study of computer science, employability in the fast changing Information Technology sector increases.


Electronics and Computer Science are a good combination to appreciate the digital principles that go into the making of computer hardware which is the base on which software is built. With the study of Mathematics, the course provides for the study of abstract concepts and their link with the real world of physical things. Students who study this combination of Science have a competitive advantage in the field of Information Technology

B.Sc [BBG, BCG, BCB and BCZ ]

The BCG (Biotechnology, Chemistry and Genetics), BBG (Biotechnology, Biochemistry and Genetics), BCB (Biotechnology, Chemistry and Botany) and BCZ(Biotechnology, Chemistry and Zoology) programmes give students a solid foundation in biology and chemistry  while  preparing  them  for  advanced  study  and  careers  in research, education, and services in Biology-related disciplines. Students  acquire  descriptive,  experimental,  and  conceptual   abilities relating to molecular, cellular, and organisational levels. They will develop research aptitude and technical skill. They will have the ability to plan and execute experiments, analyse and interpret the outcomes.


This programme offers the best of both worlds through insights into the arts (Psychology and Journalism) and Sciences (Computer Science). While psychology deals with the study of human mind, Journalism offers a social perspective to communication studies and computer science helps students gain mastery over the latest developments in Information Technology.

Bachelor of Computer Application (BCA)

It is designed to bridge the gap between IT industries and institutes by incorporating the latest developments into the curriculum. An exclusive and well-equipped lab for the department with a network of latest microprocessor-based computers and software provides hands- on training in various fields of computers. The students who get hands on experience on recent technologies are able to get good job opportunities in the IT industry. On the completion of the course students are able to develop applications which are used in finding out the solution for real time problems.


The programme aims to impart quality education in the field of commerce to young women who wish to foray into commercial ventures. The current business scenario has opened up many opportunities. Business and commerce are dynamic and exciting fields of study with practical applications. The Programme helps the students to develop skills and knowledge on a sound foundation of Commercial activities in today’s world. A good understanding of business and commerce related subjects are essential for those who wish to be a part of business and industry. The Programme prepares the students for the emerging e-commerce trends in global market.


B.Com Travel and Tourism is a programme which allows students to pursue career in two major domains i.e., Commerce and Travel and Tourism. The programme prepares the students to take up various functional areas in an organisation and to develop the students to adapt to the requirements of travel and tourism industry.


This programme aims to impart quality education in Business Administration to young women and imbibe business knowledge that would equip them for a future in industry, business or non-trading organizations as executives. A manager needs to have knowledge of all core areas of a business which are imparted through this programme.


The programme’s objective is to ensure a steady stream of industry- ready professional for a career in Banking and Finance. It will give students exposure to the operational processes of modern banking and financial environment so that they can successfully adapt to the industry. Successful candidates would have a competitive edge in banks and financial institutions at different levels.


This programme aims to impart quality education in the field of Logistics and Supply Chain Management by taking into account general management concepts. The students learn to apply suitable methods and strategies to design a solution and tackle the problems related to Logistics and Supply Chain industry.