Communicative English with a good blend of Critical thinking, and Research practice, articulation through Media related creative writing, and hands on practice into Various Media Products and services, makes students capable of understanding and production of

  • Design,
  • Photography,
  • Radio programme,
  • Television productions,
  • Films
  • Advertisement
  • Public Relations


The study of Economics empowers the students with the knowledge and the application of Economic theory. It develops the potential among students for higher education, research, and career placement. It equips students to think creatively, critically, with an analytical mind and to find solutions to various economic problems. It provides awareness about economic, entrepreneurial and social conditions which will facilitate understanding of economic issues leading to policy making.


The study of History enriches the student to know, understand and delve into the past to meet the challenges of the present competitive world. A course in history provides a detailed study of Indian History as well as a survey of the History of the World in an analytical and comparative approach.


The study equips the students with the basic journalistic skills in different mass media. It familiarizes them with recent developments in mass media. It enhances the knowledge of students with regard to fundamentals of communication and its various forms; develops the use of research methodologies appropriate to the discipline of mass communications and journalism.


The course focuses on the study of literatures in English from the United Kingdom, the U.S.A, India and other parts of the world through the medium of the English language. It sensitizes students to various literary and cultural spaces from within India and outside in a new globalized context. The course helps students to read texts with careful attention; to understand how authors and readers create meaning in texts. It helps the students to understand and implement several literary and rhetorical theories. It encourages students to respond imaginatively, intellectually and independently to the written word; enable them to carry this quality of response into future reading and writing experiences. The course sensitises the students to various issues such as gender, race, ethnicity, caste, language, identity and nationhood and the politics of all these. The course aims to hone the literary sensibility and sharpen the critical faculty of the students.



Psychology is a science and impacts people in everyday life. It orients students to the basic processes involved at the conscious and unconscious levels and sets the foundation for future specializations in the field of psychology. The student gets an insight to the processes of stability and change across the human life span. The students made aware of the various aspects of development such as physical, perceptual, motor, social and moral development from conception to death. The knowledge gained from this course serves as a good foundation to pursue academic and career opportunities in the field of child guidance, counselling, geriatrics, teaching and research. Abnormal Psychology elucidates the clinical picture and course of various maladaptive conditions and psychological disorders. The course material provides a sound foundation for students to pursue careers in clinical practice, counselling, social work, teaching and research. The course empowers the student to opt for various careers in the corporate sector, teaching, research, psychometric test development, management, consultancy and social work .


The students gain knowledge about the implementation of government policy. The fundamental goal of the study of public administration is to make the students understand management and policies of the government. A student of Public Administration will become knowledgeable about the organization of government policies and programs as well as the functioning of officials. It prepares students for civil service examinations and working in the public sector.


Sociology is a descriptive study that helps to understand the rules and laws governing the conduct of social relations. Students gain knowledge about the general principles and pillars of social life. A student becomes knowledgeable about the patterns of human and social behaviour and their effects on the individual and society in her immediate environment and beyond.


The course provides a sound understanding of the tourism industry and its role in the world. It explores how tourism businesses operate, tourist behaviour and the impact of tourism on countries, cultures and the environment. It provides opportunities to students to connect with various bodies and associations within the hospitality industry. The study provides insights into theories, practices and business models that comprise tourism.


Students having gone through a number of visual communication and related courses will be able to ideate, visualize, and execute meaningful and aesthetically appealing designs. The course helps students to handle professional camera and do professional photographic projects, to plan and design sound for various media productions, to script, shoot, edit and produce films and advertisements. Having gone through Theatre and Dance education and training, students are able to choreograph and execute dance shows, plan and stage plays/street theatre with all its elements like writing, direction, stage management,


The course encourages scientific thinking among the students through laboratory sessions, and develops logical and reasoning skills among the students. It inculcates the habit of self-study among the students, encourages students to maintain a scientific temperament in life and motivates students to take up post graduate studies and research. It provides students with opportunities for self-employment.


The course educates and prepares the students to be dynamic Biotechnologists. It prepares students with basic theoretical, practical knowledge and managerial skills along with expertise in biotechnology for a diverse set of vocations. It encourages students to pursue higher studies, research and development and management in biotechnology and to enhance career advancement opportunities.


The subject introduces students to the importance of plants to mankind. It makes them aware of our dependence on plants and emphasises the necessity to conserve nature. It gives the learner an insight into the role of plants in global ecosystem, plant diversity, conservation practices, health, ethical issues, and sustainable development. Activities like algal collections, mushroom cultivation, plant collection trips, project work, maintenance of plant diversity on campus, maintenance and preservation of the department herbaria enable the students to study the subject outside the classroom environment.


The course aims to create interest in Chemistry and make students familiar with the evolutionary growth of Chemistry. It encourages scientific thinking among the students through laboratory sessions. It helps to develop logical and reasoning skills among the students and inculcate the habit of self-learning among the students. It encourages students to maintain a scientific temperament in life and motivate students to take up post graduate studies and research, expose students
to opportunities for self-employment.


The course imparts to the students logical and analytical skills required having a competitive advantage in the field of Information Technology. It moulds students to become ethically responsible and use technology sensibly. It educates students to adapt to the changing dynamics of the IT industry. It encourages students to use knowledge gained to contribute to society and produce individuals with excellent practical computer knowledge and experience. It helps to bridge the gap between IT industries and institutes by incorporating the latest developments into the curriculum.


The course is designed to prepare the graduates for the professional world in the rapidly evolving global Electronic industry. This course is designed to equip learners of electronics to identify the components, understand its various applications and to build a project that is based on the concepts learned in all the semesters. The Department has two full fledged laboratories for both Analogue and Digital. Embedded system design and Medical Electronics are introduced as Elective Subject Papers within the BSc Electronics Course to provide an excellent education incorporating industry relevant skills.


The course helps the students to appreciate the underlying genetic mechanisms and important concepts in classical, molecular, behavioural genetics, advanced genetics and population genetics. It provides a strong foundation for a better understanding of current advances in genetics and its practical significance. It focuses on Human Genetics, its relevance in human health and diseases, inculcates critical thinking and analytical skills to enable students to pursue higher studies and research in Genetics or related fields of Biology. It enables students to develop a strong sense of responsibility, to make informed decisions on social and ethical issues that have arisen with the profound discoveries in genetics.


The study of Mathematics provides a basis for scientific reasoning and applications. It provides a link between abstract mental concepts and the real world of physical systems. The study of algebra inculcates knowledge of classical algebraic structures. The study of Real and Complex analysis delves on the ability to find the effects of changing conditions on a system. The applications of Differential equations and Analytical Geometry lead to the finding of appropriate solutions to various scientific problems. Discrete Mathematics, Numerical Methods and Operations Research inculcate the notion of mathematical thinking, and algorithmic approach to problem solving. With focus on the professional development of the students Python, Sci lab and Maxima programs were introduced as practical lessons. This provides additive credit for entry into software industry and higher education in various fields of Mathematics.


Physics is a branch of pure science that leads to a better understanding of the universe we live in. The laboratory sessions are intended to give the students a hands-on experience of the experiments that enable the verification of the knowledge gained in the theory classes. Problem solving hones the analytical and rational thinking of the students in applying their knowledge to practical situations in life. A degree with physics as one of the optional subjects equips a student to pursue a career in teaching. There is a plethora of research opportunities available in various research institutions.


The study of Statistics will provide students a scientific approach to decision making and develop skills in research and development in almost all areas in applied sciences and humanities alike. It equips students with the skills necessary for data analysis, evaluation and prediction.


The course equips the students to understand the basis of biological diversity and provides greater insight into the evolutionary process, providing a strong foundation in the concepts of animal structure, function and behaviour. It provides practical skills and knowledge of applied aspects of Zoology which can pave the way for self- employment opportunities in aquaculture, apiculture, vermiculture etc. It enables the students to appreciate and understand the chemical mechanisms of life processes and introduces the importance of conserving the biodiversity for the benefit of mankind.


The course helps to develop skills and knowledge on a sound foundation of commercial activities in today’s business world. It develops analytical skills and practical knowledge pertaining to financial, cost and management accounting and taxation system which are both traditional and computer based. It enhances business and communication skills; prepares students for the emerging e-commerce trends in global market. It readies students for professional courses, insurance and banking career and develop entrepreneurial skills.


The course aims to develop knowledge of perceptive skills in relation to business activity and enable students to sharpen their soft skills and decision-making ability. It facilitates an in-depth study and specialization in the areas of marketing and finance; orients and initiates students into research activities in various aspects of business


The course helps to develop skills and knowledge on a sound foundation of commercial activities in today’s business world. This combination aims to inculcate professional standards among students by merging the requirements of the ever changing travel and tourism industry along with the world of commerce. It develops and trains the students with professional skills and to adapt to the world of travel and tourism. It provides a good theoretical knowledge and practical skills required for careers in business, commerce, travel, tourism and hospitality industry.


The course aims to develop skills and knowledge of Banking and Finance activities in today’s business world. It develops analytical  skills and practical knowledge pertaining to Banking and Finance. It enhances business and communication skills; prepares students for the emerging trends in global market; for professional careers in Banking & Finance; develop entrepreneurial and advisory skills.

B.Com [LSM]

The course aims in developing an understanding of the key concepts in Logistics  and  Supply  Chain  Management  and  develop  skills  for


The main objective of this subject is to focus on the language and also promote the rich culture, art, tradition and literature of Karnataka. The main objective is to motivate the students not only to learn Kannada as a language but also its literature and to master the art of communication through Kannada. Kannada literature reflects the society, the rich diverse cultural heritage of the state. Students are motivated to learn through it ethical values and life skills. The Department also focuses in enhancing student’s linguistic skills like grammar and etymology.


The aim of this paper is to promote Hindi as a language, art and literature, to provide a platform to the students to express and exhibit their talents through Hindi as a medium of expression, to make learning and understanding of Hindi as a language for non-Hindi speaking students. The department of Hindi offers facilities for intensive studies and research in different areas of Hindi literature.


The General English course for BA/B.Sc./B. Com/BBA/BCA/BVOC is designed keeping in mind the requirements of the job market as well as the various needs of different streams and combinations. The course is designed to develop communication skills, extensive vocabulary, knowledge of grammar and error free usage. The texts have been chosen based on important issues facing our society, in order to sensitize our students to these pressing issues and make them more aware of what is happening around them. Since the texts are issue and theme based, it enables the generation of much discussion.


The course in French exposes students to an international language and culture in a creative way. Equal importance is given to listening, speaking, reading and writing skills in the teaching learning process to enable students to master all of them. The focus is also in enhancing student’s linguistic skills to understand the musicality of the language


The Additional English paper is a second language paper offered to students who are unable to take any other second language paper offered by the college. Keeping in mind the multiple sensibilities and cultures, the syllabus has texts in translation. This gives the student a holistic perspective of the diverse cultures of India and the World. The students will have an understanding of cultural and literary sensibilities from various contexts.


It provides students an in-depth understanding of why computers are essential components in business, education and society. It introduces the fundamentals of computing devices, particularly with respect to personal use of computer hardware and software, the Internet, networking and Data base management systems. It enables the students to understand fundamentals of programming such as variables, conditional and iterative execution, methods, etc. It helps to understand the basic principles of operating system like DOS and Windows. It gives students an opportunity to learn Microsoft office packages including Word, Excel and Power point.


The main aim of the course is to create awareness among the students about the environment in which they live. It makes the students aware of the environmental problems so that they can help in its conservation. It helps to understand and appreciate the inter-relationship existing between abiotic and biotic environment, acquire knowledge of the emerging natural disasters, to be aware of the natural resources and their management, understand the problems of over population.


This paper is taught in the second year for all students in all combinations. The intention of studying the Indian Constitution and Human Rights as foundation course is to bring perspective to the current economic, social and political climate in the country using constitution as the parameter. Students become aware of their basic human rights and how these human rights manifest in our Constitution. Combining the knowledge about the Indian Constitution and human rights will help students be aware and claim their rights as citizens of India.

  • Provide an interdisciplinary perspective to all students.
  • Supplement students’ knowledge beyond their respective fields
  • Students are made aware of the fundamental rights that are enforceable by law and the role of the state and the judiciary in its protection.


The paper helps to promote mental well-being and competence in young people as they face the realities of lives. It empowers students to take positive action, develop healthy and meaningful social relationships.

Certificate Courses

The certificate courses help the students get specialised knowledge in vocational disciplines, go beyond the curriculum of the specific programmes, bridge the gap between the academic and industry requirements, and explore new areas of interest. Credits are awarded based on the duration of the courses. Certificates are awarded on the successful completion of the course.