The sexual harassment of women at workplace (prevention, prohibition and redressal) Act 2013 provides protection against sexual harassment of women at the work place. Sexual harassment results in the violation of basic fundamental rights of women such as Right to equality under article 14 and 15 and right to live with dignity under article 21 of the constitution of India.

Definition of Sexual Harassment:
Sexual harassment includes any one or more of the following unwelcome acts or behavior:

  • Unwelcome physical contact and advances
  • Demand or request for sexual favors
  • Remarks or comments with sexual oevertones
  • Showing of pornography
  • Any unwelcome messages/advances through telephone or email

Functions :
The Internal Complaints Committee has two major functions, preventive  and remedial.

  • To work towards creating an atmosphere of equality, empowerment and gender sensitivity.
  • To promote and facilitate measures to create a work environment that is free of sexual harassment.
  • To receive and take cognizance of complaints made about sexual harassment at the college and give every complaint serious consideration.
  • Crisis Management, Mediation and Counselling
  • To conduct enquiries into the complaints and to present the findings and recommendations regarding penalties against the harasser to the Principal.
Rules and Procedures :
  • All meetings of the Committee will be called by the Chairperson and a notice of at least 5 working days must be given for the meeting. For exceptional cases, the meeting can be convened at shorter notice.
  • No person who is a complainant, witness, or defendant in the complaint of sexual harassment shall be a member of the Committee.
  • Any Committee member charged with sexual harassment in a written complaint must step down as member during the enquiry into that complaint.
  • If the ICC decides not to conduct an enquiry into a complaint, it shall record the reasons for the same in the minutes of the Committee meeting. The Committee shall make the same available to the complainant in writing.
  • Within not more than five working days on the receipt of the first intimation of the enquiry, the complainant and the defendant shall submit, to the Convenor of the Committee in writing, a list of witnesses, together with their contact details, that she/he desires the Committee to examine.
  • The Committee shall have the power to summon any official papers or documents pertaining to the complaint under enquiry.
  • The Committee may consider as relevant any earlier complaints against the defendant. However, the sexual history of the complainant shall not be probed into as such information shall be deemed irrelevant to a complaint of sexual harassment.
  • The Committee shall have the right to summon, as many times as required, the defendant, complainant and/or any witnesses for the purpose of supplementary testimony and/or clarifications.
  • The defendant, the complainant, and witnesses shall be given written intimation, at least seventy two hours in advance, of the date, time and venue of the enquiry proceedings.
  • All proceedings of the Committee shall be recorded in writing. The record of the proceedings and the statement of witnesses shall be endorsed by the persons concerned in token of authenticity thereof.
  • All persons heard by the Committee, as well as observers/nominees, shall take and observe an oath of secrecy about the proceedings to protect the dignity of the complainant and the defendant. Any violation of the oath of secrecy may invite penalties

How to Lodge a Complaint?
Complaints can be lodged directly with any member of the ICC. All complaints must be brought by the complainant in person. The following exceptions will be admitted:

  • In cases of forced confinement of the person. In such a case, brought by another person on behalf of the complainant, the Committee will examine whether an enquiry, intervention or some other assistance is needed.
  • In exceptional cases, third party/witness complaints may be entertained. In such cases, the Committee will ascertain whether the woman alleged to have been sexually harassed wishes to lodge a formal complaint. Once such a complaint is received the Committee shall proceed to inquire into it as per the procedure specified.
  • Where the Committee takes suo-moto notice.

The complaint may be oral or in writing. If the complaint is oral, it shall be documented in writing by the ICC member receiving the complaint and the same shall be authenticated by the complainant under her dated signature or thumb impression as the case may be.
All complaints made to any Committee member must be received and recorded by the member, who shall then inform the Chairperson about the complaint, who in turn shall call a meeting of the Committee.
The members of the Committee shall maintain confidentiality about the proceedings conducted by them.

Dr. Sr. Mary Louisa .S
Head of the Institution

Presiding Officer/Chairperson

Ms. Maya Harave
Department of English

Dr. Gracy Mathan

Dr. Vasudha M C

Ms. Mary Pauline Nirmala

Ms. Sathyakala

Student council member (nominated each year)

Ms. Ashwini Obulesh (Advocate)