Department of Mathematics

Ms. Sheryne Jemima John

Assistant Professor, HOD

  • Academic Experience:

    29 years

  • Qualification:

    MSc,MPhil, Ph.D Ongoing

  • Contact:


Ms. Sheryne Jemima John

Assistant Professor, HOD

# Degree Subject University, place ,year
1 Ph.D (Ongoing). Mathematics Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham (Bangalore Campus)
2 M.Phil. Mathematics Christ University, Bangalore,2009-2011
3 M.Sc Mathematics Bangalore University,2002-2004
4 B.Ed Mathematics Madras University1994-95
5 B.Sc Mathematics Madras University,1991-94

To continue research in Fluid Mechanics

2nd National Conference on 'Emerging trends in Fluid Mechanics and Graph Theory'
Department of Mathematics Christ University.
Presented a paper titled 'The Effect of non-uniform basic temperature gradient on the onset of Rayleigh Benard convection in a couple stress dielectric liquid
National Level Science Conference on Science for Mankind. Synergy Association of Science Departments, JyotiNivas College
Presented a paper titled 'Study of the onset of Rayleigh-Benard convection in a couple stress dielectric liquid.

Attended an International conference on "Emerging trends in Higher Education -A Global perspective : Concerns and Challenges in Environmental Sustainability , Entrepreneurship and Cinema "(ICEEC)
Jyoti Nivas College Autonomous
August 2008
Attended 1st National Conference on 'Emergingtrends in Fluid Mechanics and Graph Theory'.
Department of Mathematics Christ University.
February 2010
Attended 2nd National Conference on :'Emerging trends in Fluid Mechanics and Graph Theory'.
Department of Mathematics Christ University.
February 2011
Attended A National conference on 'MathematicalModeling: A Socio Scientific Approach'.
Tumkur University and Karnataka Higher Education Council.
November 2011
Attended the UGC sponsored workshop on Mathematical Modelling applied to Physics and Natural sciences .
MES Degree College of Arts, Commerce & Science in association with C-CMMACS
30th July 2012
Attended A two day program for undergraduate and Postgraduate Mathematics Students in Celebration of the national mathematical year 2012, Titled "History, Aspects and Prospects of mathematics in India".
IISC Bangalore
November 2012
Organised the State level Science Seminar "Building Blocks of the Universe : From the Finite to the Infinite.
Jyoti Nivas College Autonomous
12th February 2013
Organised the UGC sponsored National conference on "Recent Trends In Mathematics"
Mathematics Department Jyoti Nivas College Autonomous
6th & 7th February 2014
Participated in the UGC Sponsored International conference on "Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Inclusiveness - A Strategic Paradigm".
IQAC, Jyoti Nivas College Autonomous
16 & 17 September 2014
Attended a two day workshop on Scilab and Maxima (FOSS).
Maharani Lakshmi Ammanni College for Womwn and the Bangalore University mathematics teachers Forum
9 & 10 January 2015
Attended the UGC sponsored National conference on Euthanasia title'Kill the pain, Not the patient'. Jyoti Nivas College Autonomous 23rd January 2015
Mathematical Practicals using FOSS Central college Bangalore University in association with Bangalore Universiy Mathematics Teachrs'Forum 22nd & 23rd July 2016
Faculty Orientation program for Student Induction organized by the university Grants Commission (Ministry of HRD), University Grants Commission (Ministry of HRD) South Western Reginal Office, Bengaluru held during 30th may to 1st June 2019 at Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru.
Mathematical Practicals using FOSS organized by Central college Bangalore University in association with Bangalore University Mathematics teachers’ Forum during 22nd & 23rd July 2016.
Mathematical Practicals on Scilab and Maxima (FOSS) organized by Maharani Lakshmi Ammanni College for women in association with Central college Mathematical Society and the Bengaluru University mathematics teachers Forum held during 9 &10 of January 2015.
UGC sponsored National conference on Euthanasia title ‘Kill the pain, Not the patient’ at Jyoti Nivas College, Autonomous held during 23rd January 2015.
Two day workshop on Scilab and Maxima (FOSS) at Maharani Lakshmi Ammanni College for Woman and the Bangalore University mathematics teachers Forum held during 9 & 10 January 2015.
UGC Sponsored International conference on “Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Inclusiveness – A Strategic Paradigm” organized by IQAC, Jyoti Nivas College Autonomous held during 16 & 17 September 2014.
A two day program for undergraduate and Postgraduate Mathematics Students in Celebration of the national mathematical year 2012, titled “ History, Aspects and Prospects of mathematics in India” organized by IISC, Bangalore during November 2012.
UGC sponsored workshop on Mathematical Modelling applied to Physics and Natural sciences organized by MES Degree College of Arts, Commerce & Science in association with C-CMMACS held during 30th July 2012.
A National conference on ‘Mathematical Modeling: A Socio Scientific Approach’ organized by Tumkur University and Karnataka Higher Education Council held during November 2011.
A 2nd National Conference on ‘Emerging trends in Fluid Mechanics and Graph Theory’ organized by Department of Mathematics Christ University held during February 2011.
A 1st National Conference on ‘Emerging trends in Fluid Mechanics and Graph Theory’ organized by Department of Mathematics Christ University held during February 2010.
International conference on “Emerging trends in Higher Education-A Global perspective: Concerns and Challenges in Environmental Sustainability, Entrepreneurship and Cinema (ICEEC)” organized by Jyoti Nivas College Autonomous held during August 2008.

Attended a virtual talk on “Empowering research activities in Higher Education Institutes” at R K University on Tuesday 29 March, 2022
Attended Mediatron 2022 an International media Symposium (Virtual Edition) 28 January 2022
Participated in the seven-day National Online FDP, “Pedagogy and Learning: Mapping New Approaches, organised by IQAC, Jyoti Nivas College Autonomous from 3 to 9 January 2022.
Participated in an International Webinar For Students on “Becoming Future – Ready” Organises by the Dept of Mathematics 30 August, 2021
Completed a course on Teaching GenZ, a five-session teachers' training program on facilitating an online classroom, from 25 to 30 May,2020.
attended a two Days’ International Webinar On ‘Fluid Dynamics And Its Applications’ Organized By Department Of Mathematics Government First Grade College Vijayanagara, 28 & 29 May 2020.
Attended a National Seminar on “Current issues Confronting Principals and Heads of institutions in India” organized by Jyoti Nivas College Autonomous, Bangalore in association with Xavier Board – Karnataka Region and Xavier Board of Higher Education in India 19-21- February 2020.
Completed a two-session course for Educators, Teaching gen Z Advanced conducted by ViGEO International Consulting on 30 & 31, October 2020.
Attended an International Webinar on “Mathematical Models in Machine Learning “and “Electric Cars and the Future of Transportation” organised by the Department of mathematics Jyoti Nivas College Autonomous, Bengaluru.18 June 2020.
Participated in the two-day NATIONAL Webinar on “Trajectory of Academic Development: The Thrust of national Education Policy NEP 2020” Organised by the IQAC of Jyoti Nivas College Autonomous on 22 & 23 September 2020.
Completed a Five day Faculty Development Programme on “Reconfiguring the mind: Post COVID Consciousness” Organised by the IQAC of Jyoti Nivas College Autonomous on 23 & 27 June 2020.
Participated in the five-day Faculty Development Programme on “E- Content; Teaching and Learning” Organised by IQAC, Jyoti Nivas College Autonomous, 9-13 June 2020.
Participated in a four-day National Webinar on “Fluid Mechanics and its Application in Engineering Science” organised by the Department Of Mathematics. PES institute of Technology and Management, Shimogga 24-27 June 2020.
Participated In the Online Seminar “ Tracking COVID 19 – A Biblical Perspective” organised by Women’s Christian College, Chennai on 1 June 2020.
Participated in the national webinar on “Combat Corona – The New World Order” organised by the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry of Jyoti Nivas College autonomous . Bengaluru, 23 – 27 June 2020.
Completed A course on “ GameTheory an Online non- credit course by the university of Tokyo and offered through Coursera , 2 June 2020.
Completed a Course on “ Mathematics for Machine Learning: linear Algebra an Online non- credit course by Imperial College London and offered through Coursera 12 May 2020.

Distinction in M.Phil.
-Recipient of E.W.Leigh Memorial for the Best Outgoing Student - 1995 at St. Christopher's College of Education, Chennai.

Paper setter: St. Joseph's College, Bangalore