The National Service Scheme is a centrally sponsored scheme which was started by the Ministry of Education in September 1969 across 37 selected universities, Bangalore university one among them. Starting with 25 colleges covering 5000 students, today the programme is extended to about 118 colleges covering a total strength of 11000 students.
The Government of Karnataka co-sponsors the programme through the Secretary of Youth Services, Information and Tourism Government of Karnataka.
Every year best NSS volunteers are selected and deputed to participate in various camps and events such as State and National Republic Day parades, National Integration camp, State and National level NSS Festivals etc.

As incentives to volunteers and NSS units, various prizes/awards are distributed.
- Best NSS unit/Best NSS programme officer in the university.
- Best NSS volunteers.
- Every P.G Department in the university has reserved one seat during admissions for NSS volunteers.

National Service Scheme aims at developing the personality of students through community services. The overall objective of NSS as envisaged originally was service to the community, offered while undergoing instruction in an educational institution. It has endeavoured to arouse the social consciousness of students and provide them with the opportunity to work with the people around the educational campuses creatively and constructively. These practices undoubtedly enable them to put the education they receive to concrete social use.

15th of January of every year is observed as the NSS DAY by all colleges.

The motto or watch word of National Service Scheme is 'NOT ME BUT YOU'. This expresses the essence of democratic living and upholds the needs of selfless service and appreciation of the need for selfless service and to arouse the social consciousness of students appreciation of the other man's point of view and also to show consideration for fellow human beings.

The symbol of the National Service Scheme is based on the 'Rath' wheel of the Konark Sun temple of Orissa. These giant wheels of the sun temple portray the cycle of creation, preservation and release, and signify the movement in life across time and space. The wheel signifies the progressive cycle of life. It stands for continuity as well as change and implies on the part of NSS for continuous striving forward for the purpose of social transformation.

The NSS Symbol is embossed on the NSS Badge. The NSS volunteers wear it while undertaking various programmes of community service. The Konark wheel in the symbol has eight bars which represent 24 hours of the day. Hence the badge reminds the wearer to be readily available for the services of the nation whenever the need arises. The red colour in the badge symbolically represents the passion and lively spirit of the NSS volunteers. The navy blue colour indicates the cosmos of which the NSS is a tiny part- ready to contribute its share for the welfare of the mankind.

Any student enrolled as an NSS Volunteer should put in at least 120 hours of social work in a year for a continuous period of two years i.e.240 hours in two years, for different programmes other than special camping. They should participate wholeheartedly in the programmes and should be fully conversant with the objectives of NSS. Out of the 120 hours of service which each student volunteer is expected to put in a year, at least 20 hours should be utilised in the first year for pre-placement orientation programme in the following manner:
1. General orientation - 2 hours
2. Special orientation - 8 hours
3. Programme skill learning - 10 hours

NSS Program Officer: Ms. Jahanavi N
Department of Sociology
Contact no:080-255 301 37

Asst. NSS Program Officer: Dr. Vasudha M.C
Department of Sociology
Contact no:080-255 301 37