Department of Mathematics

Dr. Navis Vigilia

Assistant Professor

  • Academic Experience:

    20 years

  • Qualification:

    M.Sc., M.Phil, Ph.D.

Dr. Navis Vigilia

Assistant Professor

# Degree Subject University, place ,year
1 Ph.D. Mathematics M S University, Tirunelveli, 2019
2 M.Phil. Mathematics M S University, Tirunelveli, 2007
3 M.Sc. Mathematics M S University, Tirunelveli, 1995
6 B.Sc Mathematics M S University, Tirunelveli, 1993

Mathematics, Graph theory

Survey on Unicast, Multicast and Broadcast Routing Techniques in Vehicular Ad-Hoc networks - Present and Future, British Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science December 2015
Graph Theory based Consistent Routing Protocol for Inter-Vehicular Communication in VANETS, Fundamental Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences August 2016
An Algorithm to Find the Directed Minimum Spanning Trees e-ISSN: 2347 — 2693 International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering e-mail: | website | Mobile no: +91-99-77-55-24-34
A consistent routing protocol based on graph theory for efficient vehicle to vehicle communication Paper will be online available on 5 Jan 2019 in IJCSE Current issue. digital certificate @ For publication @ IJCSE digital Library:
Capacity Analysis based on Graph Theory for VANETs Paper Code: 62259 Global Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics (GJPAM) Research India Publications Website:

Presented the paper entitled “A Graph Theory based study on Efficient Vehicle to Vehicle Communication Network” in Manonmanium Sundaranar University on 20th July 2019
Asteroidal Triple Free Graphs,Sarah Tucker College ,Tirunelveli.

Mathematical Analysis and Applications
Maharani Lakshmi Ammani College for Women
Januray 2008
Attended an International conference on "Emerging trends in Higher Education -A Global perspective : Concerns and Challenges in Environmental Sustainability , Entrepreneurship and Cinema "(ICEEC)
Jyoti Nivas College Autonomous
August 2008
Attended 1st National Conference on 'Emerging trends in Fluid Mechanics and Graph Theory'.
Department of Mathematics Christ University.
February 2010
2nd National Conference on :'Emerging trends in Fluid Mechanics and Graph Theory'.
Department of Mathematics Christ University.
February 2011
A National conference on 'MathematicalModeling: A Socio Scientific Approach'.
Tumkur University and Karnataka Higher Education Council
November 2011
UGC Sponsored workshop on Mathematical Modelling Applied to Physical and Natural Sciences
MES Degree College
July 2012
State Level Science Seminar 'Building Blocks of the Universe from the finite to the infinite'
Jyoti Nivas College
February 2013
UGC Sponsored International Conference 'Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Inclusiveness - A strategic Paradigm
Jyoti Nivas College
September 2014
UGC sponosored National Level Quality Improvement Programme 'Energy - The key to transform Teaching Dynamics
Jyoti Nivas College, Post Graduate Centre
November 2014
UGC Sponsored State Level conference on Euthanasia 'Kill the pain, Not the Patient'
Jyoti Nivas College
January 2015
Participated in International Webinar on “Mathematical Models in Machine Learning and Electric Cars and the future of Transportation” Organized by the department of Mathematics, Jyoti Nivas College, 18 June, 2020.
Participated in the seven-day National Online faculty development programme, Pedagogy and Learning: Mapping New Approaches, organized by the Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC), Jyoti Nivas College Autonomous from 3 to 9 January 2022.
Participated in a three-day online faculty development program “Innovation in Mathematics and Usage of Modern Tools” from 22 to 24 December 2021 organized by the Department of Mathematics, Sir M V I T. Bengaluru.
Participated in the virtual workshop/ FDP for three days on Google forms- Creation, Utilization and Certificate Insertion, organized by Department of UG, PG studies and held from 17th to 19th February 2022.
Organized and participated an International workshop on International Webinar on "Becoming future - Ready" held on August 30, 2021

University Rank Holder B.Sc Mathematics, M S University, Tirunelveli
University Rank Holder M.Sc Mathematics, M S University, Tirunelveli

Board of Examiners CMR College of Technology, Bangalore
Item Writer Commission on General Intelligence and Reasoning, Government of India
Board of Examiners: St Joseph's Evening College Bangalore