Please rate the following parameters by placing a tick in the appropriate box

1. Exposure given for career options

2. Value education provided by the institution

3. Personality development of your ward [confidence, communication, social awareness etc]

4. Preparation of your daughter for the next phase of life

5. Extra – curricular/ cocurricular activities / value added courses offered by the institution

1. Coverage of the syllabus

2. Organization of the Course UG - Semester I to VI PG - Semester I – IV/ VI as applicable

3. Coverage of modern/advanced topics

4. Availability of text books/study materials

5. Usefulness of tests and assignments

6. Usefulness of the course towards employability or higher education

7. When you meet students who have taken a similar programme at other Universities you feel that the programme you did was

8. Exposure to the current issues of the environment / country / world through the course content.

9. Overall rating of the Course

10. Overall rating of the department

1. Syllabus content is relevant to the course

2. Syllabus is need based

3. Objectives and outcomes are well defined

4. Course content is well supported by reference materials

5. The course is oriented towards skill development/ employability

6. Curriculum ensures student participation in the learning process

7. The curriculum has been updated based on the needs : global, national and local

8. The curricula is sufficient to meet the program outcomes

9. Curriculum provides ample space for self learning

10. Curriculum has increased my knowledge and perspective in the subject area