Vision: To make students understand the organisation of Life at various levels and to promote relevant interdisciplinary & applied approaches to excel in teaching and research.

Mission: To impart knowledge about animal science and ignite a passion in this area which will enable the students to respect diversity of life and contribute effectively to the society.


  • To make the students proficient in the various aspects of animal forms like their structure, functions, inheritance and reproduction, animal diversity, environmental studies and evolution.
  • To enable the students to formulate hypotheses, gather and analyze data as a part of their minor project work.
  • To train students critical and analytical thinking, experiential learning and communicative skills.
  • To develop entrepreneurial skills as it is incorporated into their learning process like vermicomposting, apiculture and ornamental fish keeping that equips the students to become self-employed and to generate employment.
  • Team work and individual efforts are encouraged among students that make them competent for the work place challenges.

• VERMICOMPOSTING (An Eco-Friendly Way to Reduce Waste & To Grow Your Own Business)
• Entomology and IPM
Wildlife Biologist
Environmental Scientist
Wildlife Rehabilitator
Medical coding
Animal breeder
Documentary makers
Laboratory technician
Forest Officer
Scientific Technical Writer
Animal Trainers
Marine biologist
Forensic Experts
Research Scientist
Veterinarian Technician

Department of Zoology organizes an array of co-curricular activities every academic year to make learning beyond the classroom fascinating. Activities include seminars, workshops, guest lectures, interclass, interdisciplinary competitions, field trips etc.

The department also organizes activities related to the field of Life science to coincide with the National Science day. Vermicomposting workshop, apiculture workshop, ornamental fish keeping, Workshop for school teachers on practical skills in Life sciences, activities related to wild life conservation etc are also organized by the department.

Department conducts several interclass competitions under the banner “Zoo-Gen” Activities like, sketching, visual cues, quiz, cross word, drama, treasure hunt, and photography.

Field trips are organized regularly by the Department to provide the students an insight into the recent advances in research work in Zoology and also as a part of Industry - Academia collaboration. Some of the places visited are ICAR - Indian Institute of Horticultural Research, Bangalore, National Drosophila Stock Centre of Mysore University, Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry college, Hebbal and ICAR-National Institute of Animal Nutrition and Physiology, Adugodi, National Institute of Mental Health and Neuro-Sciences (NIMHANS).

Students are encouraged to present papers in National and International conferences and also to publish their research work in the in-house research journal for students called Scientia. Alumni are invited to give talks related to career guidance to the students. The department also brings out a student edited annual newsletter, “Genesis” which helps the students to empower themselves in the emerging field of life science. This also provides an important documentation record of the departmental activities. The Zoological Museum houses several rare specimens and also forms an important learning resource.

To empower students to think about more eco-friendly approaches and participate in environment conservation activities.

To promote awareness among the students regarding environmental issues and knowledge on biodiversity and sensitise them on sustainability.

OBJECTIVES To inculcate the concept of green environment among the students through various innovative methods and to create awareness for conserving biodiversity.

We know that Earth is under dramatic environmental pressure: our globe is warming, ice caps melting, glaciers are receding, coral is dying, soil is eroding, water tables are falling, fishes are depleting, and whatever remains of our forests is shrinking. And it is up to each and every one of us to change the World for the better.
With this concern in mind we the staff and students of the Department of Zoology and Genetics took up the initiative to start an Eco-Club at Jyoti Nivas College Autonomous, Bengaluru. An Eco-Club plays an important role in creating environmental awareness amongst the future generation. It is a platform through which we obtain knowledge about the environment and contribute towards improving it. Our Eco Club is a green initiative through which the Eco Crew learn to extend their boundaries and scope of formal education to take action towards improving their immediate environment. We want to show the World that WE MEAN GREEN. More Details



Dr.Vinutha R Bhatta

Assistant Professor
M.Sc., B.Ed, KSET, Ph.D


Dr. Soumya K

Assistant Professor


Dr. S Devi Thangam

Assistant Professor
M.Sc., M.Phil., PhD., SET



Dr. Josephine C.

Associate Professor


Dr. Dhanalakshmi M.

Associate Professor


Mrs. Sabrina Jathanha

Associate Professor


Dr. Leena Alexander

Associate Professor
M.Sc., Ph.D.


Ms. Geetha Mathew

Associate Professor
M.Sc, M.Phil.


Dr. Sitavi Yathiender

Associate Professor
M.Sc., B.Ed., M.Phil., Ph.D