Club Activity – INCIPIENCE

Club activities at the department are the most anticipated events as it gives the students an opportunity to showcase their talents while learning something new. The main aim of organizing these club activities is to stimulate the students to think outside the box, to develop good social and interpersonal skills among them, the club activities focus mainly on topics like general management, marketing, human resources, finance and entrepreneurial development.

Through the club activity students learn to improve their presentation skills, team work and spirit, commitment, organizing skills, time management, responsibility and to instill a sense of commitment and responsibility among them and work as groups in the future endeavors.


Date: 27th January 2023
The MBA students organized club activities in three different areas like Human resources, Finance and Marketing. The objective was to allow students to hone their communication skills, creative thinking and to work effectively with other people. This club activity was a great icebreaker and an opportunity to interact with fellow mates.


Date: Aug 2021 – May 2022
The Department of MBA organized various Club activities in different domains. The objective was to give students an opportunity to - learn the importance of collaboration, know current trends and developments in business, to develop a competitive spirit among students, and allow them to correlate academic skills with real world context. The Club activities provided students a great exposure to collaborate with one another. The judges for the events included MBA alumni and corporate professionals.